Blogger Interview: Alexa from Alexa Loves Books

Alexa Santiago

I’m really glad to have Ate Alexa on the blog today because she’s a Filipina blogger now living in the US. I love it when she posts about the Philippines and I feel proud to know Filipina representatives from halfway across the globe. 🙂

The Interview II


Favorite food?

Can I just say desserts? I’m partial to cookies and ice cream.

Favorite color?


Favorite flower?


Favorite song?

I refuse to pick one song. That’s too hard! I love The Script, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran, and I still harbor love for my favorite boy bands – NSYNC and Westlife.

Favorite TV show?

I’m not much of a TV person! But I recently binge watched Avatar: The Last Airbender and loved it.

Favorite place to read and/or blog?

I read most often on my commutes, but I love reading on my couch. I prefer blogging at home, even though I do most of it at the office.

Favorite book?

There are so many answers to this one! But I’d have to say the entire Harry Potter series, because it’s magical. Other books that come to mind – Just One Day duo by Gayle Forman, Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, Newsoul series by Jodi Meadows, Open Road Summer by Emery Lord, The Little Princess, fairy tales.


Who are you when you’re blogging?

An intense booklover, who fangirls over the books and authors she loves and goes above and beyond to celebrate her love of books.

Who are you when you’re not blogging?

A production assistant, a wife, an explorer and an aspiring writer.

Which do you prefer more?

Both. I wouldn’t be one without the other.

What drives you to blog more?

It’s fun for me! I enjoy chatting about books, particularly since I don’t have too many bookish friends in real life. Plus, it’s a way to challenge my creativity.

How do you see yourself in the blogosphere?

I’d like to think that I come across as friendly and always up for a chat on Twitter!

Are you a perfectionist when it comes to your blog?

Surprisingly, no. I’m used to doing things a certain way, but if mistakes (typos, grammatical errors, etc) happen, I just let it slide.

Do you like making outlines when you blog, or do you prefer to start from scratch and work your way from there?

I just start from scratch and go when it comes to most posts! If I’m doing an event, I definitely outline my posts though.

How much do your followers mean to you?

I love my followers! Plenty of them have become my friends, and I enjoy getting to know people.

What is the best blogging advice that you could share with us?

Do it because you love it. And relax! Blogging, unless you’re doing it professionally, is meant to be fun; it will stay that way if you don’t allow yourself to get too overwhelmed.


How would you define book discrimination?

I think book discrimination, at its simplest, is making a judgment against or for a book based on various factors – content, story, author, cover, etc.

How do you feel about it?

I try not to discriminate against books, particularly when it comes to recommendations for other people. Yes, there are certainly things I don’t prefer to read about and actively avoid, but that doesn’t mean that book won’t become something meaningful or important in someone else’s life. And it also doesn’t make that author’s work any less significant in the grand scheme of things either.

What do you think is the cause of book discrimination?

It’s hard to avoid discriminating against books, really, because we’re each very different individuals. I think it’s a very personal thing, and rooted in our own beliefs, emotions and experiences.

What would you do against it?

It’s hard, but I try to keep an open mind. I like to be sure to read a wide variety of books in general, and I encourage others to do the same.

Fill in the blanks. More people should read ________ by ________ because ________.

More people should read Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley because it’s such a unique take on bullying and it involves military school and a strong heroine. More people should read OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu because it’s such a provocative book, clever and careful and true in its handling of OCD.


Signature II

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